Emerging Scholars Program (ESP)
The College of Dentistry participates with the Emerging Scholars Program (ESP) to provide research opportunities for UF undergraduate freshman or sophomores who have no previous university level research experience. Students who are selected will work with a UFCD faculty mentor while working on a research project. The ESP process is selective; participants must adhere to programmatic requirements for both ESP and UFCD.
Uf and ufcd undergraduate research
University Scholars Program (USP)
The College of Dentistry participates with the University Scholars Program (USP) to provide research opportunities for UF undergraduate junior and senior students. Students who are selected will work with a UFCD faculty mentor while working on a research project. The USP process is selective; participants must adhere to programmatic requirements for both the USP and UFCD.
College of Dentistry Requirements for ESP Participants
Eligibility and Nominations
Undergraduate students who are freshmen or sophomores from any college wanting to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Dentistry are eligible to compete for a University Scholars Program award. An overall GPA of 3.0 (or above) is required. Students may contact a faculty member to conduct research, utilizing the following list: Faculty Research Interests.
Applications are due in November
College of Dentistry Requirements for USP Participants
Eligibility and Nominations
Undergraduate students from any college, wanting to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Dentistry are eligible to compete for a University Scholars Program award. An overall GPA of 3.0 (or above) is required. In addition, in order to be eligible, you must not earn your bachelor’s degree before Spring 2024. Students may contact a faculty member to conduct research, utilizing the following list: Faculty Research Interests, and complete the 2025-2026 USP Application form.
Completed applications are due Friday, February 7, 2025. Submit application packets to the College of Dentistry’s Office of Research:
Denise Webb
Office: D3-43
Phone: 352-294-5444
Fax: 352-294-5441.
Include in the packets:
- Completed University Scholars application form.
- Typed summary of proposed research project (maximum one page).
- Supporting letter from the faculty mentor.
- Official, unopened or electronic copy sent from university of the student’s undergraduate transcripts, including a cumulative GPA. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, most colleges are now delivering a secure, online submission of transcripts, which we do accept.
- If applicant’s official transcript shows senior status, a statement needs to be provided stating they are not earning their bachelor’s degree before Spring 2025 and can participate in the College of Dentistry’s Spring Synergy Research Day.
Course numbers are as follows:
- For a Biology major in CLAS or CALS, register for BSC4910.
- For a Microbiology major in CLAS, register for MCB4911.
- For all other majors, please contact your college advisor for your colleges research course code.
Registration for Classes
If students in the University Scholars Program want to receive credit toward their degree for their independent research, they should consult with the academic advisor(s) in their cognate college/major and obtain the approval of their UF College of Dentistry mentor, including written agreement on time commitment and credit hours. Their academic advisor can then register them for BSC4910 or MCB4911.
Selection Process
The College of Dentistry grants five awards. The College of Dentistry’s Research Committee and the Associate Dean for Research select the awardees. The student/faculty mentor is notified of the selection by March 2026.
Expectations and Requirements during the University Scholars Program
Students begin their research at the beginning of the 2025 fall term. Before applying, students’ mentors should discuss an exact time commitment. Research is conducted for the entire term and throughout the 2025-2026 academic year.
Students are required to:
- Attend a mandatory orientation session at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in Spring 2025.
- Complete the online profile and project description form and have a photo taken, per the USP program.
- Be in good standing to receive the second portion of the stipend in late September (good standing is defined as all profile information and a positive progress report from the faculty mentor).
- Maintain a current email account and be informed about updates for the USP on that email account.
- Complete all requirements for both the College of Dentistry and the UF Scholars Program (requirements set by the college are in addition to those required by the UF Scholars Program). If students do not complete the program requirements in the following April, UF Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will put the students in repayment which will freeze their record until repayment is made.