DMD Research Track Program

Program Objectives

The Research Track is designed for students eager to gain a focused research experience while in dental school. The program aims to connect students with clinical, translational, or laboratory research opportunities at UFCD. Activities may include developing research protocols, participating in laboratory or clinical studies, conducting literature reviews, writing manuscripts, and engaging with speakers and attendees at research seminars. Participants are expected to dedicate a minimum of four to six hours per week to the program under the guidance of a faculty mentor.

Research Lab

Program Requirements

Students must form a well-defined student/mentor team to enter the program. Mentors must be full-time faculty at UFCD with a proven record of productivity, ongoing external funding, and have experience mentoring students. Students are responsible for finding a faculty mentor who has the necessary resources and expertise in the relevant scientific area.

clinical research lab person

To streamline our processes and better align them with the academic calendar, we are announcing new deadlines and providing the guidelines for participation in the DMD Research Track Program.

Who is eligible to participate? All 2nd, 3rd and 4th year DMD students interested in clinical, translational, or laboratory research
When can I apply? Research Track Application Deadlines are March 15, July 15, and November 15


Students become eligible to apply to the program in their sophomore year. Students are strongly encouraged, although not required, to complete the research elective course.

Students wishing to enroll in the program without an established mentor can contact the Office of Research’s Coordinator of Student Research Program, Denise Webb at 294-5444 for assistance.

Application Process

Assuring that an intensive research experience is gained by the student, it is necessary for the student-mentor team to complete an application package.
Major factors considered in the evaluation of an application include:
• The research plan’s clarity, significance and originality
• Feasibility of the research plan, based on the experimental design and efforts indicated
• Qualifications of the mentor and the student
INCLUDE: The application package should include the following documents:
Application form
• Student’s information (2 pgs max): provide either a curriculum vitae or resume, include:
     ◦ A personal statement (no more than ½ page) describing current and/or past research experiences,
     ◦ What is to be accomplished by joining the Research Track Program, and
     ◦ Long term career goals
• Mentor’s information (4 pgs max): provide a NIH biosketch, include:
     ◦ Active, pending and past extramural and intramural support
     ◦ Indicate which sources of funding support the proposed project, and
     ◦ In addition, a list of prior and current trainees must be included
• Research plan (5 pgs max): the student/mentor team works together to develop a research plan to accompany the application submission and reflect the following areas:
     ◦ Specific aims
     ◦ Background and significance
     ◦ Preliminary studies ◦research design and methods
     ◦ Timetable for completion of each component of the project
FORMAT: The following format specifications are required in the package:
• Arial font, black color, 11-point font size, single space ½ inch margins
• No header, but with consecutive page numbers in the center of footer
• No fillable fields in any included documents •print text documents to PDF
• Do not scan documents to PDF •disable all security featured in the PDF document
• When naming the PDF file, do not use special characters or spaces in the files names •graphs, diagrams, tables, charts and photographs must be in the body of the application
• No appendix material may be submitted
REVIEW:  Applications not conforming to the format instructions are returned without review.
The UFCD Research Committee reviews the mentor-student application and assists in the selections. The committee makes a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Research, who makes the final decision as to the suitability of the student, mentor, and project for the program.
Research Track students may request one half-day (per week) for research, providing their TEAM Leader and research mentors agree. You MUST complete this form in advance EACH SEMESTER and return it to the Office of Education to block out your AxiUm schedule. This form is due the Friday prior to your mid semester break (Fall Break, Spring Break, Fourth of July week break), if you would like research time the next semester. In other words, forms submitted by Fall Break will be for research time in Spring Semester.
Leave Request Form

Progress Reports and Final Report

To ensure the student is having a continuous productive experience, a six month progress report and a yearly written progress report is required. Reports are reviewed by the college research committee and the Associate Dean for Research.
The six-month progress report is a fillable form completed by both student and the student’s mentor
The annual progress report requires a more specific narrative which reflects the following:
     ◦ Introduction: a short summary of the project rationale and design should be provided
     ◦ Method and Results: a summary of methods performed and results obtained thus far
     ◦ Conclusions: a summary of conclusions made based on results obtained thus far
     ◦ Previous year’s accomplishments: this can be provided in bullet point format (as needed)
     ◦ Feedback: the student may describe the overall experience and include feedback for enhancing the program
The final progress report should include a description of the brief student’s overall experience with the program, including feedback for improvements and or suggestions for enhancing the program
Reports should be submitted as a PDF file via email to Denise Webb or to the UFCD Office of Research.

Requirements for completion of the program

To successfully complete the Research Track Program, the following are required:
• Completion of the first year seminar elective course entitled “Discussion of Research Interests.”
• Membership and participation in the UF Student Research Group chapter of AADOCR (dues for this organization are paid by the Office of Research for successful applicants to the program)
• Continuous involvement in a mentored research experience (minimum of two consecutive years)
Certification by the primary mentor stating that the student has completed a research project as part of their research experience; evaluative criteria may include:
• Satisfactory grades for each semester the student is enrolled in a research elective
• Recognition by the UFCD Research Committee and mentor of continuous student involvement
• Progress as documented in the aforementioned progress reports, and
• Publication of abstract(s) and/or manuscript(s)
• Application for Excellence in Research; Research Honors or High Research Honors (highly encouraged)