The Research Training Utility (RTU)
This tool generates a list of mandatory trainings, which need to be completed in response to a brief series of questions, designed to identify research activities.
All faculty and staff receiving and/or managing grants must take the following compliance courses: |
Cost Principles Effort Fundamentals Effort Management | RSH 260 RSH 220 RSH 230 | Faculty and Staff Faculty and Staff Staff |
For more information regarding compliance training visit the UF Office of Sponsored Programs (DSP) training website. The site provides information regarding the following training topics: |
•Institutional Review Board (IRB) •Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) •Environmental Health and Safety •Export Controls •Financial Conflict of Interests •Responsible Conduct of Research The site is updated frequently and will reflect current training requirements for research faculty and administrative staff. Contact the UF Division of Human Resource Services Training and Organizational Development office for more training opportunities and requirements. |
Clinical Research
Faculty and staff involved with research and clinical services are required to take the Health Science Center’s Research Billing Risks compliance course, RAC 810. The College of Medicine’s Research and Compliance office offers comprehensive training in billing compliance for studies conducted in the College of Medicine.
Research Administration |
Research administration can be complex, especially in an academic environment. The following training links can assist those who work with research or contract and grants administration to navigate the layers of policies and procedures that affect awards. •UF Toolkit Instructions for most UF administration in myUFL •UFirst Toolkit Proposal and contract submissions •RAFT Research Administration and Financials Training •Pro 3 Series Comprehensive training for administrative professionals Other training in research administration: •CRA Certification Certified Research Administrators •NCURA NATL Council of University Research Administrators Education Programs •Research Admin Glossary Provided by UCLA, a comprehensive list of common acronyms |
Grantsmanship |
•Writing Successful Grants Online grant writing seminar (previously recorded) •NIH Grants & Funding NIH guidance for proposal writing |