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New Guidance for Clinical Trials and for Trials Involving Groups or Clusters

Clinical Trials Involving Human Subjects The NIH is launching a series of policies to improve the accountability and transparency of clinical research. These upcoming changes will impact all applications involving clinical trials. Learn more about the new requirements, and determine if your study meets the NIH definition of…

New Processes for UF Award Administration

Beginning July 6, 2016 the University is implementing the final phase of UFirst, the web-based system for managing UF’s sponsored programs. This phase involves the creation and maintenance of sponsored awards received via the UF Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP). All active awards will be converted and available for…

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Mandatory Conversion of Paper Documents

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Mandatory Conversion of Paper Documents The IRB is requiring all applicable paper studies be converted to myIRB.  Beginning February 1, 2016, with each 90-day study expiration notice, the office staff is sending a notification of the need to convert via email correspondence to the Principal Investigator and…

NIH & AHRQ Announce Upcoming Changes

NIH & AHRQ Announce Upcoming Changes to Policies, Instructions and Forms for 2016 Grant Applications.  NIH has announced changes to the grant application process. Most of these changes are effective early in 2016.  If you are planning to submit a NIH proposal in the near future, it is imperative…

UF Foreign Travel Announcement

 Announcement from the Office of the Vice President for Research   In the past few months, the IRB, Privacy Office,…

Requirements and Procedures for Sponsored Projects/Mandatory Investigator & Staff Training

As an enhancement to the University of Florida’s good practices in sponsored project accounting operations, and to further appropriate stewardship of contracts and grants for all Sponsors, effective March 3, 2014, the University implemented new sponsored training requirements. Note: courses are found online, by navigating in myUFL > Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development…