NIH will accept an update with preliminary data as post-submission material for applications that meet all of the following conditions:
- Your chosen funding opportunity announcement (FOA) allows preliminary data in applications.
- Your application is not in response to an emergency or urgent funding opportunity with expedited review.
- Your application is for the January 2021 Advisory Council round, starting from the May 25, 2020 due date.
Regarding the last point, here’s how to confirm the relevant Council round for your application:
- If your FOA specifies one or more due dates, check the corresponding Advisory Council Review entry in the FOA’s Key Dates section.
- If your FOA uses NIH Standard Due Dates(link is external), check the Cycle II column on the linked page. Applications for the Cycle II due dates in 2020 will go to January 2021 Advisory Council.
If your application fits the exception criteria above, provide preliminary data in a PDF file with these page limits:
- For a single project application, send one page of data.
- For a multiproject application, send one page of data for each component.
Follow the same instructions and requirements given for other Allowable Post-Submission Materials. The authorized organizational representative of your applicant organization must concur with your post-submission materials. Email your PDF attachments to the assigned NIH scientific review officer (SRO) at least 30 days before the peer review meeting.
Find your application’s peer review meeting date and SRO contact information in the eRA Commons. Direct any questions about the review or post-submission materials to your SRO.