LIMITED Alfred P. Sloan Foundation RFP in Basic Science – up to $3M
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is soliciting ideas for either starting a new field of science or for advancing an existing area of science. Submitted ideas could mean nearterm funding for a proposed research project, longer-term support for a research community, or both.
Corporate and Foundation Relations, in partnership with the Office of Research, is promoting this limited non-governmental funding opportunity from the Sloan Foundation that may interest you or your colleagues. We are happy to assist potential candidates with proposal development, networking with program staff, or other pre-award activities that could help make an application more competitive.
Please note that all projects that have research-related deliverables and associated compliance must be entered into the UFIRST system, so that they may be accurately tracked and monitored by the Division of Sponsored Programs.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation RFP in Basic Science
Submit concept to college research dean (he or she can provide deadline).
Winning concepts due to Office of Research by Monday, March 30.
From Sloan:
We’re asking researchers to sit down, dream about what might be possible for a program funded at up to $5-10M/yr. for about a decade, and to then sketch-out that vision for us. Here ‘program’ refers to support for a community of investigators working on complementary aspects of a scientific problem. The proposed research should advance one or more areas in the physical and/or life sciences and should not be biomedically focused. We’re asking for brief (< 1700 word) proposals that communicate a broad vision for a field and then describe a specific project to start pursuing some aspect of that vision. We expect to select a handful of specific projects to support with Sloan Foundation grants of $500K-$1M/yr. for up to 3 years.
You must decide which of the seven categories listed below best matches your proposed research. This is the primary category for your submission. We also encourage you to select a secondary submission category if appropriate.
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics & Astronomy
- Neuroscience & Cognition
- Earth System Science (including Ocean Science)
- Interdisciplinary & Other Science
- Special Topics: We list three Special Topics, research we suspect could be transformative if compelling ideas arise. Submissions to this category must fit into (at least) one of the sub-categories listed below.
- ST1-Nanoscale Biophysics
- ST2-Matter-to-Life
- ST3-Visualizing the Nanoscale (Microscopy & Movies)
The number of internal concepts submitted by each college is based upon each college’s extramural award performance in FY19. UF may only submit three (3) applications to this program.
Submit your concept to your college research dean by the deadline he or she has established. Winning concepts are due to Office of Research by Monday, March 30.
The maximum number of concepts allocated for submission from each college are:
# Proposals Allocated | Colleges |
1 per college | Florida Museum of Natural History; Health & Human Performance; Design, Construction & Planning, Business; Fine Arts, Journalism & Communications, Law, Nursing, Education; Dentistry; Pharmacy; Veterinary Medicine; Public Health and Health Professions; Medicine-Jacksonville |
2 per college | Liberal Arts and Sciences; HW College of Engineering; IFAS; Medicine-Gainesville |
Please see Guidelines, Dear Colleague Letter, and FAQs on the Opp Man website for further details.