The UFCD Student Seed Grant Funding targets all UFCD dental and advanced education students.
Proposal Deadline: December 1
Funding: Due to limited funds, grants are awarded on a competitive basis of up to $3,000 maximum; this depends on the availability of funds and number of meritorious applications.
Award Period: 1 year, with a no-cost extension for up to one additional year possible
Objective: The primary objective of the Seed Grant Program for UFCD Students is to promote independent student research, by providing short-term support for novel research projects. Toward achieving this goal, the application process is intended in part to help foster students to develop and clearly delineate the reasoning and approaches of a project, under the advisement of a mentor(s).
Projects may include the following:
- Testing a new and well defined hypothesis
- Testing the feasibility of an approach or experimental design
- Gaining experience with new or unfamiliar methods.
The request may not be used simply to supplement currently funded research projects of the applicant’s mentor(s). Thus, whereas techniques, patient populations, etc. will likely coincide with those of the home laboratory, the specific aim/hypothesis to be tested in the proposed project must be unique.
Mentorship: Mentors must be full-time faculty of UFCD, with demonstrated research expertise in the form of publications and/or extramural funding.
The College of Dentistry, Research Committee will conduct an internal review:
- All applications within the two-week period following each submission deadline.
Major factors considered in the evaluation of an application include:
- the project’s significance
- the project’s originality
- feasibility, based on the experimental design and efforts indicated
- qualifications of the mentor and the student
- adequacy of the facilities
- appropriateness of the budget
Guidelines and Review Criteria
Questions: Call: Christi Mason at 294-8118.